The Pilot Rock Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution out of Cherokee recently presented a Gold ROTC medal to Cadet Sullivan Bailey at Buena Vista University.
The DAR Gold ROTC Medal is awarded to a graduating college or university student being commissioned in one of the U.S. Armed Services. The recipient must have demonstrated loyalty and patriotism and earned a record of military and scholastic achievement during their participation in an ROTC program. The student must be in the upper 25 percent of their ROTC classes and academic subjects, and show certain qualities.
Cadet Bailey will graduate from BVU in May. After graduation, Bailey plans to live in Cherokee and work in law enforcement. He will be a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army Reserves with the 445th Transportation Company in Waterloo.
(Photo left to right : Cadet Sullivan Bailey and Peggy Corrington, Regent Pilot Rock DAR Chapter)