BV Conservation Director Shares Linn Grove Dam Restoration Project Update

Buena Vista County Conservation Director Greg Johnson gave a Linn Grove Dam Restoration Project update to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.

Johnson said the department is still waiting to hear from the Federal Emergency Management Agency regarding an obligation issue that was first inquired about a year and a half ago. The restoration project in Linn Grove has been delayed multiple times in recent years. Johnson planned to talk to the Supervisors about additional funding requests for the project, but decided to wait a couple of weeks until he gets more information from FEMA.

Johnson said a mussel relocation survey was conducted in Linn Grove at the request of the DNR last week. 69 mussels were taken, and were relocated to Sioux Rapids.

The Supervisors approved Erica Larson to fill a vacancy on the BV County Conservation Board. Three applications were received, and the conservation board recommended that Larson be appointed.

