First Step Approved for Storm Lake Water/Sewer Rate Increases

The Storm Lake City Council on Monday approved 1st reading ordinances for projected seven-percent water and sewer rate increases for the next two fiscal years.

The water rate increase would be $1.07 per month for a residential customer paying the minimum rate with 15-hundred gallons used per month. The increase would be $2.02 per month for high-usage residential customers that use 41-hundred gallons of water per month. Storm Lake Finance Director Brian Oakleaf said a little over 30-percent of water bills in the City fall into the minimum category.

The sewer base rate for all customers would increase $1.79 a month for the first year, and an additional $1.91 the second year.

Oakleaf pointed out continued operational expense increases for both water and sewer operations, and there are several projects to consider. The water and sewer rate increases need to pass two more readings for final approval.

The council also approved a written water conservation plan for the City. The plan is needed due to part of the Water Use Permit issued by the DNR.

Storm Lake City Manager Keri Navratil said the plan will include similar measures that have been implemented in the past when they’ve been necessary due to drought conditions.
