State Auditor Rob Sand on Tuesday released an audit report on O’Brien County.
According to the report, O’Brien County’s revenues totaled just over 17.4 million dollars for the fiscal year ended June 30th, 2023, which is a 4.2 percent increase. The increase in revenues is primarily due to an increase in American Rescue Plan Act revenues earned during the year.
Expenses for O’Brien County operations for the year ended June 30th of last year totaled slightly more than 16.6 million dollars, a decrease of 1.1 percent. The decrease in expenses is primarily due to no longer having mental health expenses.
Sand reported four findings related to the receipt and expenditure of taxpayer funds. The findings address a lack of segregation of duties, material amounts of capital asset additions and depreciation not properly recorded in the County’s financial statements, and lack of reconciliations of public health billings, collections, and delinquent accounts. Sand provided O’Brien County with recommendations to address each of the findings.
Sand also released an examination engagement report on Compliance for the U.S. Department of Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Program on O’Brien County for the 2023 fiscal year. The report disclosed no findings pertaining to the program.