Residents/Businesses Can Adopt a Storm Lake Rain Garden

Storm Lake residents are reminded about the purpose of the several rain gardens in the city, and adoption opportunities are available.

64 rain gardens have been built around Storm Lake over the last several years. They are designed to offset untreated runoff during a rainstorm that enters storm water intakes, lakes, creeks, and rivers. The water can collect and carry pollutants as it goes, and trapped storm water can flood basements or streets.

Rain gardens consist of a shallow, saucer-shaped depression in the ground, planted with low maintenance perennial. More complicated systems may involve a drainage intake system. A rain garden collects excess water from the landscape and helping to purify it of sediment, oils, and chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides.

Storm Lake’s rain gardens help protect property, streets, and park areas from flooding and erosion. City Manager Keri Navratil says the gardens also provide texture and color for the landscape, and provide urban habitat for butterflies, bees, and birds.

Residents or businesses can adopt a rain garden to clean once a month. Contact Storm Lake City Hall for more details. Residents can create rain gardens on their own property. More information is available on the Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership website.



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