Meal Provider for Storm Lake Schools Serving More Kids This Year in District

A presentation was given on Wednesday at the Storm Lake School Board meeting from the district’s meal provider Lunchtime Solutions.

Food Service Manager Whitney Vohs said they’re serving universal free breakfast meals this year, and they’re serving more compared to last year, including at the high school. Vohs said regarding lunch meals, which are not free, they’re exceeding their goal and serving more this year. Vohs said they feed around two-thousand kids per day throughout the Storm Lake district.

Kristi Oksendahl is the Lunchtime Solutions Area Director…(audio clip below :27 )

The high school has the most meal options out of all the schools.

Vohs and Oksendahl said they have to follow certain guidelines as far as trying to minimize wasted food, especially among younger students…(audio clip below :33 )

Lunchtime Solutions operates in five different states, and Oksendahl called Storm Lake a wonderful partner.

Vohs recently won a High Flyer award at the Lunchtime Solutions manager meeting in honor of the work she does. Superintendent Dr. Stacey Cole applauded Vohs for making meals work in the district, especially since the onset of COVID.

Storm Lake received a USDA Turnip The Beat Silver Medal award for their summer meal program.



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