Buena Vista County Visitor Spending in 2021 Increased from Two Years Prior

Buena Vista County’s actual visitor spending number for 2021 totaled nearly 36.1 million dollars, according to the Western Iowa Tourism report.

Actual visitor spending in BV increased nearly one-million dollars from the pre-pandemic year of 2019. The number for 2020 was 26.8-million.

Transportation accounted for 28-percent of visitor spending in BV County for 2021…followed by Food and Beverage 22-percent…Lodging 19-percent…Retail 18-percent…and then recreation 13-percent.

Direct visitor spending statewide in 2021 was 6.1-billion dollars, a decrease of 300-million from 2019. The total economic spending impact for BV County in 2021 was nearly 54.3 million dollars, compared to over 9.3-billion statewide.



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