Upper Des Moines Opportunity Awarded 1st Five Grants

Upper Des Moines Opportunity has been awarded grants from a healthy mental development initiative.

UDMO is the recipient of two competitive grants for the Iowa 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative. The grants will support counties served by Upper Des Moines Opportunity in the form of two 1st Five Local Contact for Collaborative Service Areas. One of the Areas includes Clay and Palo Alto counties, and the other service area includes Calhoun and Pocahontas counties.

UDMO was awarded the grants in early December, and began accepting referrals in January. Iowa’s 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative is an Iowa Department of Health and Human Services program, and is brand-new for UDMO. Since 2006, 1st Five has been building partnerships between physician practices and public service providers to enhance high-quality well-child care. The initiative promotes the use of developmental tools that support healthy mental development for young children during the first five years of life.

Upper Des Moines Opportunity is one of 16 community action agencies in Iowa, and is dedicated to building stronger communities by addressing the effects of poverty on individuals and families. UDMO serves 12 counties in northwest and north central Iowa.

