The Pilot Rock DAR Chapter Awards were held this last Sunday, February 5th at Sanford Museum. The Chapter presented two Community Service Awards to the MMC Community Ministries Food Pantry and to the Cherokee Rotary Club.
The MMC Community Ministries Food Pantry collects donations from businesses and individuals to keep their shelves and freezers stocked with food. The Cherokee Rotary Club provides weekend meals for students in need.
Pilot Rock DAR Chapter presented Good Citizen Awards to area high school seniors. The student selected as the school’s DAR Good Citizen must have the following qualities: dependability, service to others, leadership, and patriotism.
The students recognized were Steven Colerick (Alta-Aurelia); Kaden Neddermeyer (MMCRU); Jake Breyfogle (Ridgeview); Jesse Brewer (River Valley); and Halle Laurson (Sioux Central). Kadden Neddermeyer was selected to represent Pilot Rock Chapter in the Northwest Iowa contest.