Mandatory water conservation measures for users of the Storm Lake water system will remain in place at least through September.
The City is still waiting for a critical part to be delivered to get a major water supply well back on line. Suppliers are unable to assure a firm date for that delivery. Conservation will assure that there is enough water for everyone’s household needs, plus a reserve if needed for firefighting.
According to information released today (Fri), water usage has been around four-million gallons used per day in recent days, which is down from a crisis-level high of five-million prior to the conservation measures being implemented in early July.
Additional information will be provided when the well is operational. In the meantime, work is ongoing to locate sites for additional wells to address future needs.
A reminder on the water conservation measures…
* Lawns and trees should not be watered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the highest recent usage days. Cars should not be washed at homes, pools filled or driveways washed down.
* On other days, watering should be done before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. to avoid peak demand and reduce the water loss to evaporation. Avoid water running over sidewalks or into the street.
* Flowers or vegetable gardens may be watered as needed, but the City asks residents to use a hose with a nozzle or a watering can to direct water where it is needed.
* If a power washing project is necessary, contact City Hall at 732-8000 to schedule a non-peak time.