Storm Lake Finance Director Provides Clarity on How Property Taxes Will be Affected During Public Hearing on Maximum Tax Levy and Rate

No comments were made during a public hearing this week to set the City of Storm Lake’s maximum tax levy and rate for fiscal year 2024-2025.

The proposed property tax levy for the City is $13.60 per one-thousand dollars of property valuation, an increase of 1.44-percent. Storm Lake Finance Director Brian Oakleaf provided some clarification on how property taxes will be affected…

Oakleaf encourages residents to look closely at their recently received tax statements…

Just over 52-percent of taxes levied locally for the upcoming fiscal year will go to the Storm Lake School District, nearly 22-percent will go to Buena Vista County, and the City of Storm Lake will receive over 17.5-percent.

The tax levy will generate an estimated 4.9-million dollars in revenue.

Oakleaf said questions can be directed to any member of the state legislature. Residents who want more clarity on the city’s tax presentation can contact Oakleaf directly.
