Over 100 Units of Blood Collected at Storm Lake LifeServe Blood Drives This Month

There were 110 units of blood collected at four LifeServe Blood Center drives that were held in Storm Lake in September.

The blood drives were hosted to support the Buena Vista Regional Medical Center, and over 120 other hospitals served by LifeServe.

Several donors hit milestones with their most recent donation including Janet Halder who reached ten gallons of blood donated…James Anderson and Eugene Mandernach each reached nine gallons…Joy Phelps and Cherri Driver eight gallons…Karla Pickhinke five gallons…and Jon McKenna, Coleen Imming, and Rhonda Slight all reached two gallons of blood donated.

Two LifeServe blood drives are scheduled in Storm Lake in October, including Tuesday, October 4th from 12:30 to 5:30pm at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church…and Friday, October 21st from 9am to 1pm at the United Methodist Church. Text “LIFESERVE” to 999-777 to make your next appointment.



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