Northwest Iowa Spring Subsoil Moisture Levels

ISU Extension and Outreach has completed their spring survey of northwest Iowa subsoil moisture levels.

Iowa soils have the potential to hold ten to 11 inches of moisture in the top five feet of soil. Plant available moisture is between 1.7 and 9.8 inches at the various sites, which include Newell, Schaller, Rolfe, Rossie, and Battle Creek.

According to Field Agronomist Gary Sorenson, Rolfe had the highest deficiency of plant available water, and all areas except for Rossie and Newell were below historical averages. The site near Newell was at historical averages for spring available moisture, and the site near Rossie was above historical averages. The amount of subsoil moisture is sampled in the fall and spring across northwest Iowa each year.

Most of the area remains in moderate to severe drought, although precipitation levels from early November through mid April were above normal in most northwest Iowa counties.



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