Buena Vista University Director of Athletics Scott Brown is excited to announce the formation of “Buford’s Bunch” at BVU beginning this fall.
“Buford’s Bunch” will be aimed at youth in local communities in grades Pre-K through 6th and will provide members with a unique and engaging experience with Buena Vista University and BVU Athletics. Each child who joins will receive a free Buford’s Bunch t-shirt, free admission into all BVU home games during the academic year, free popcorn at select BVU home games, as well as in-game recognition during sporting events. Members will also receive newsletters from BVU/Buford while having the opportunity to attend events on campus with student-athletes, coaches, staff, and Buford.
“As someone who grew up attending BVU games, I know first-hand about the positive impact that student-athletes, coaches and our University environment in general can have on youth in our communities,” says Brown. “I look forward to working with our student-athletes, coaches, campus partners and our community to revitalize that outreach and to enhance our ability to positively impact youth in our area.”
A membership is $20 per child and can be made by visiting https://bvuathletics.com/sports/2022/8/25/bufords-bunch.aspx and completing the online registration form.