The winners have been announced for the Storm Lake Star Spangled Spectacular’s annual children’s art contest.
Rooney Lah, a kindergarten student from Ms. Hope Backman’s class, won for his coloring art creation.
Leo Rodriguez Hernandez, a 3rd grader from Ms. Sara Eddie’s class, won for his patriotic artwork.
Both youngsters won gift certificates to the Storm Lake Candy Company, and the opportunity to participate in the Spectacular Big Parade on the 4th of July.
This marked the first year that the contest was extended from its typical poster/drawing contest to include younger grades with a coloring contest. Early elementary students are eligible for the coloring contest, and elementary students are eligible for the poster contest. Work was judged on creativity and the use of this year’s Star Spangled Spectacular theme “Three Cheers for 150 Years.”
An additional honorable mention award was also presented to one student from TK through the 4th grade in the Storm Lake district.
· TK: Pibi Donya
· Kindergarten: Carcia Clarence
· 1st Grade: Heidi Jacuinde
· 2nd Grade: Ximera Alexa Najerd
· 3rd Grade: Esther Snyder
· 4th Grade: Jovie Doebel