Superintendent Comments on Schaller Crestland Bonds Getting Voted Down

Public measures for improvements at the Schaller Crestland School were voted down as part of the city/school elections.

Superintendent Adam Bisenius says the district will continue to move forward…

Bisenius says he’s not all that surprised with how the vote ended up…

Bisenius thanks the voters that turned out…

Bisenius didn’t elaborate when asked about making any potential changes to the plan. The bond of over 15 million dollars would have gone toward new classrooms and renovations to the building in Schaller.

Two public measures were proposed, one for the classroom additions, and the other to increase taxes for the new classrooms. Each measure only received 35-percent support. A 60-percent super-majority was required for passage of each public measure.

The bond can’t be revisited until November of next year.


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