Storm Lake Early Elementary 2nd Phase Bond Issue Voting Information

Several options are available for residents to cast their ballots for the 2nd phase of the Storm Lake Early Elementary School project.

If the bond issue is approved, the Storm Lake Community School District would be able to add a 1st grade wing to the Early Elementary Building. Property taxes would NOT be affected, as the local tax levy would remain the same if the bond issue passes, which requires a super majority approval rate of 60-percent.

The election date is Tuesday, September 13th from 7am to 8pm. Five voting precinct locations will be available including the BV County Engineer Building…Storm Lake Library…St. Mark Lutheran Church in Storm Lake…Courthouse Public Meeting Room in Storm Lake…and the City Hall Building in Lakeside.

Community members who have questions about where to vote should consult a map that’s available by clicking here. Information is also available on the Secretary of State website.

Voters can also cast ballots early in-person at the Buena Vista County Courthouse. Individuals voting by mail can return their completed ballot to the Auditor’s Office in Storm Lake, or send it back in the mail. Absentee ballots cannot be placed in the dropbox, and must be received by the Auditor’s Office by 8pm on September 13th to be counted.

More information on the Early Elementary bond vote is available at

