Storm Lake City Council Approves Engineering Report Toward New Water Treatment Plant

The Storm Lake City Council this week approved one of the first steps toward designing a new water treatment plant.

The council approved a preliminary engineering report. Storm Lake Public Works Director Matt Beckman said there have been residential and commercial increases in system demand since the last preliminary engineering report was approved by the Iowa DNR three years ago…

The ISG Group and City staff have agreed to perform a joint technical review of various technologies, methods, and equipment to be utilized as the basis of design for a new lime softening facility. Site visits will be made to lime softening facilities of similar size to evaluate potential technologies and equipment. Recommendations will be included for the design of a proposed new treatment plant.

The estimated value of the engineering agreement is 83 thousand dollars. Expanding the effort at this time will reduce costs going forward by giving the team the confidence to move forward efficiently with the technology selection.
