Several Records Set at This Year’s Clay County Fair

The total attendance at the 2023 Clay County Fair exceeded 300-thousand for the 2nd year in a row.

According to CEO/Manager Jerome Hertel, attendance over the nine-day run this year was 318,678, down two-percent from last year.

Preliminary fairgoer spending on food, beverage, specialty concessions, and carnival rides set a record this year of over 3.1 million dollars, breaking the previous mark set last year. Goldstar Amusements set single-day records for carnival ride revenue on the final weekend of the Fair, including an all-time single-day record on Saturday, September 16th.

A record number of 930 4-H and FFA exhibitors participated in the Clay County Fair this year, compared to 750 last year.

More detailed information on the 2023 Clay County Fair will be made available at the Clay County Fair Association’s annual meeting on October 24th.


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