Sac County voters will decide on a bond issue for a new jail in Sac County as part of the November 5th general election.
The Sac County Board of Supervisors today (Tues) approved a resolution to add a proposition to the ballot to approve a 10.9 million dollar bond to replace the county jail. A news release issued by Sac County Sheriff Ken McClure states that their current jail doesn’t meet standards. According to the state jail inspector, Sac County has the second oldest jail in the state behind only Pocahontas County. A new jail is currently being constructed in Pocahontas County. The news release states that the jail inspector’s yearly report says the Sac County Jail, however well maintained, is a security and safety risk to inmates, staff, and the public.
The bond would replace the jail, and would also add an addition to the current law enforcement center. The two-phased project would begin with constructing a new jail across the street from the current jail. Once the new jail is opened, the second phase would consist of demolishing the current jail and adding to the law enforcement center.
The tax impact on a home with a taxable valuation of 200 thousand dollars would be $4.29 per month, or $51.42 per year. A commercial property valued at 250 thousand dollars would see a tax impact of $10.87 per month, or $130.46 annually. 40 acres of agricultural land would be $2.43 per month, or $29.16 annually.
Town hall meetings will be held in Sac County from now through October 15th. Tours of the current jail will also be offered.