Pocahontas Gearing Up for First Ever RAGBRAI Overnight Stop

The 49th edition of the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, or RAGBRAI, gets underway this weekend.

RAGBRAI gets started on Sunday in Sergeant Bluff. The first overnight stop will be in Ida Grove on Sunday night, and will pass through towns including Battle Creek on the way.

The second day of the route on Monday will go through several area communities including Galva, Schaller, Nemaha, Newell, and Fonda. The second day will wind up with an overnight stop in Pocahontas.

This marks the first time that Pocahontas is an overnight stop in the history of the bike ride. Pocahontas Mayor Jada Hallberg says they’re now starting to realize that it’s “go time”…(audio clip below :16 )

Hallberg says entertainment on the main stage will start at 2pm Monday…(audio clip below :18 )

Impact Wrestling is also on the schedule. Hallberg says Pocahontas is still trying to round up volunteers…(audio clip below :30 )

If interesting in volunteering on Monday, contact Pocahontas City Hall.

On Tuesday, the RAGBRAI route will pass through towns including Havelock and Rolfe, on the way to an overnight stop in Emmetsburg.

RAGBRAI will wrap up in Lansing on July 30th. This year’s route will cover 462 miles.



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