IUB Public Hearing for Proposed Summit Carbon Pipeline to Resume in November

The public hearing for one of the proposed carbon capture pipelines that would run through Iowa will resume next month.

The public hearing for the Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline, which would run through several northwest Iowa counties, will resume on November 6th at 10am at the Cardiff Event Center in Fort Dodge. The Iowa Utilities Board started the public hearing proceeding for the pipeline on August 22nd to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses. The IUB suspended the hearing last Thursday, October 5th.

The Iowa Utilities Board continues to state that the hearing will continue until every witness has testified. Testimony will be heard November 6th through the 8th from non-intervening eminent domain landowners and other witnesses who have yet to testify. Summit will begin any rebuttal testimony on November 10th, as well as November 16th and 17th if necessary.

At the conclusion of the hearing, the Iowa Utilities Board will review all evidence, testimony, exhibits, and comments, and a final decision will be issued. Summit Carbon Solutions filed its petition for a hazardous liquid pipeline permit in January of 2022.


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