Iowa DOT Issues Information Pertaining to Potholes

The Iowa Department of Transportation says freezing and thawing this winter, combined with snow and moisture, has caused potholes to show up on Iowa’s roadways.

Potholes are mostly caused by moisture getting into or underneath pavement. During freeze and thaw periods, moisture causes the asphalt or concrete roadways to shift, buckle, or break. When vehicles drive over the weakened areas, the patches can come loose, which results in potholes.

The DOT, as well as city and county crews, are patching potholes as quickly as they can using cold-mix asphalt. In many cases it’s not a long-lasting solution, but does improve the driving experience until a more permanent patch can be put in place in the spring.

Citizens are encouraged to contact your local city administrator/engineer or county engineer regarding potholes on streets or county roadways. Potholes on U.S. Highways, Iowa numbered routes, and interstates should be reported to DOT maintenance offices.


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