The Iowa D.O.T is out with its report on aviation accidents in 2024. It says there were seven air-related accidents with one fatality in the state of Iowa from January 1st, 2024 to December 31st, 2024.
The state has averaged 13 accidents over the last five years. The report says 2024 tied 2001 with seven accidents, with each of those two years having the lowest number of aviation accidents during the previous 60 years.
One of the crashes reported in 2024 occurred in northwest Iowa. The report says a pilot was approaching to land at a private grass strip about two miles south of Linn Grove when the plane crashed in a field, resulting in serious injuries to the pilot with minor injuries to a passenger. An investigation determined the aircraft had not been flown for about two years and did not have a current inspection. Officials also discovered the pilot didn’t have a current flight review.
(thanks to KUOO in Spirit Lake)