Highways 7/110 Project Update

The City of Storm Lake has provided an update on the Highways 7 and 110 construction project.

Starting this coming Monday, June 6th at 7am, the 90th Avenue closure will be moved north of the Early Elementary School’s drop-off entrance and exit. The north entrance of the school and parking lot will still be available. Hope Evangelical Free Church will have access from the east on Highway 7. Use the north lane of the new gravel surface to get to the church. Access from 90th Avenue will not be possible. Pavement removals and roadbed construction will be completed on 90th Avenue.

Paving on 90th Avenue is anticipated to begin the first part of August. Once work is completed on 90th Avenue, work will move back to Highways 7 and 110.

Highways 7 and 110 continue to be closed to all traffic, and a detour route is in place.

