The Storm Lake Fire Department is taking part in awareness efforts during National Fire Prevention Week October 6th through October 12th.
Firefighters across the country will focus on sharing information on safety, prevention, and protection of homes and families. This year’s theme is “Smoke Alarms : Make Them Work For You.” During the week, the Storm Lake Fire Department will host three community events with their fire safety house. Families are encouraged to attend an event, where firefighters will guide children through the mobile unit. Kids will learn about how to prevent fire risks in their own home environments, how to respond in an emergency, and how to escape safely in the event of a fire. Helpful safety materials will be available for families to take home.
Fire Prevention Week fire safety house tours will be offered locally on Monday, October 7th from 4 to 7pm at the Hy-Vee parking lot…Wednesday, October 9th from 4 to 7pm in Chautauqua Park…and Saturday, October 12th from 10am to 1pm at the Storm Lake Public Library.
A new event this year involves the Storm Lake Fire Department offering a Fire Prevention Week Coloring Contest for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade at Storm Lake Community Schools and St. Mary’s. Coloring sheets are available on the Storm Lake Fire Department Facebook page, and will also be distributed to the schools during Fire Prevention Week. Entries must be turned in to students’ teachers by Friday, October 12th. One winner from each grade will be selected. Winners receive a Fire Prevention Week-themed prize pack, and a ride around the school in a fire truck.