Early/Nemaha American Legion Post Serves and Supports Communities

The American Legion Post which comprises the Early and Nemaha communities is continuing to uphold its commitment to mutual helpfulness by serving veterans and their families, as well as the community as a whole.

According to a news release, mutual helpfulness for the Early/Nemaha American Legion, known as the Merten V. Hair Post, is provided through extensive community support through volunteers and monetary contributions. Local legionnaires annually send high school junior boys to Boys State, which is among the nation’s most respected and selective educational programs for government instruction. During Boys State, students become part of local, county, and state government operations. The Post pays individual expenses for selected participants.

For the first time last year, the Merton V. Hair Post supported youth by paying past-due lunch balances for students at the Ridge View Middle School in Early. The contribution was made in December, filling the gap for families struggling to meet this expense, and reflecting the Post’s interest in youth success.

The Post also supports youth baseball through monetary donations.


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