Drainage Water Recycling Field Day to be Held Near Lake City

A drainage recycling field day is coming up early next month near Lake City.

The event will be held on Wednesday, September 4th from 5 to 7pm at the Mark Schleisman farm at 1532 365th Street in Lake City. The free event is open to farmers and landowners, and includes a complimentary meal.

Drainage Water Recycling is a drainage management system designed to capture water during wet periods so it can be used later when growing crops are thirsty. Interest in the practice is growing and is recognized for its potential to improve water quality and help farmers reduce risks from weather volatility. Attendees will have a chance to get a closer look at new installations being used to collect in-field data on the performance of these systems. The sites are being studied as part of a research project led by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and the Iowa Soybean Association analyzing drainage water recycling’s costs and benefits.

Reservations are required by August 28th. Contact Liz Ripley, Conservation and Cover Crop Outreach Specialist with Iowa Learning Farms at 515-294-5429 or ilf@iastate.edu. The drainage recycling field day is being hosted by Iowa Learning Farms in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center.


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