The City of Storm Lake will craft new language regarding the regulation of domestic pigeons following a work session at Monday’s council meeting.
Language in a previous policy proposed by the City would have allowed no more than ten pigeons to be kept on a property. A family that takes part in raising and racing homing pigeons objected to that number at the previous meeting, and the council on Monday decided to change it to one hundred.
Longtime Storm Lake resident Dan Maier cited problems with pigeon and crow droppings locally in the 1980’s and 1990’s. He argued against allowing a large number of pigeons per property, claiming they carry numerous diseases…
Daryle Saltzgiver, president of the Missouri River Flyers pigeon racing club, took issue with those statements…
Council member Meg McKeon said she appreciates all of the education on the matter received from their previous meeting…
The City based language on the new ordinance from one used in Sioux City for decades, which Saltzgiver said has worked very well. Saltzgiver suggested one hundred as the number of pigeons allowed to be kept on a property. Two hours will be allotted for flying in both the morning and evening. Additional language, including the permitting process, will continue to be finalized.
A public hearing and 1st reading consideration of the ordinance will be held at the next council meeting on November 4th.