Crop Stress Remains Despite Recent Rainfall

Precipitation last week helped alleviate further crop stress, although conditions remain relatively dry.

According to the newest USDA crop progress report, 58 percent of Iowa corn is in good to excellent condition, a slight drop from the week before. Soybeans rated good to excellent is up five percent from last week at 58 percent.

Corn in the dough stage and dented, along with soybeans setting pods, are all outpacing last year and the five-year average.

There were not quite five days suitable for fieldwork last week statewide. Just under 4.5 days were suitable in northwest Iowa. 41 percent of topsoil in northwest Iowa is either short or very short of moisture, a seven percent drop from the week before. 46 percent of northwest Iowa subsoil is short or very short of moisture, a 14 percent decline from the previous week.


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