Cause of Death Revealed for Woman Found Dead in a Vehicle in a Sac County River

The Sac County Sheriff’s Office has provided an update on a woman who was found dead in a vehicle two months ago.

30-year-old Samantha Trimpe of Breda was located in a 2003 Red Jeep Cherokee in the North Raccoon River in Hagge Park on the morning of July 19th. The sheriff’s office received a final autopsy report on Tuesday of this week from the Office of the State Medical Examiner. Drowning is determined as the cause of Trimpe’s death, although the manner of death is undetermined. The report states “the manner of death is certified as undetermined as it cannot be determined whether Trimpe lost consciousness and drove into the river, or if it was intentional.” The report states that Trimpe was suffering from acute intoxication due to the effects of alcohol and other substances.

The Sac County Sheriff’s Office in an earlier news release stated that foul play is not suspected in Trimpe’s death.


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