Canadian Wildfire Smoke Staying High Up in Iowa

There’s smoke over Iowa again from the Canadian wildfires, but National Weather Service Meteorologist, Brad Small says that smoke is high up and not causing problems.

Small said there was a bit of smoke over northwest Iowa midday Wednesday, but it’s been much worse further north from the eastern Dakotas into Minnesota. Visibility has dropped to a few miles in certain locations.

Small says a variety of factors impact how low the smoke hangs in the air…

Small says the smoke issues were bigger in New York and other eastern states recently because they are closer to the source. There is widespread haze in the forecast for the listening area late tonight (Thur), but Small says most of the state shouldn’t see any low-hanging smoke.

The D-N-R’s air quality measurements show air quality concerns only in a small area in the northwest and southwest corners of the state.

(thanks to Radio Iowa)


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