The Buena Vista County 4-H Awards Program was held on Sunday, December 3rd at the Extension Office in Storm Lake.
Youth and adult volunteers were recognized for their accomplishments within the past year.
The Buena Vista County Youth Council narrated the 4-H Awards Program in addition to being
installed as the 2023-2024 County Youth Council. County Youth Council members are: Breyer
Anderson, Bree Anderson, Leah Bean, Mary Connolly, Hanna Edwards, Madalyn Forbes,
Isabelle Landgraf, Colton Lindgren, April Meyer, Eliana Olsen, and Gabby Staedtler. Melissa
Fahr serves as their advisor.
Adult leaders and volunteers were honored during the program.
Chris Bean (Fairfield Pioneers) was recognized as Volunteer of the Year.
Amber Kragel (Poultry Superintendent) was recognized as 4-H Hall of Fame Nominee.
Business of the Year went to the Buena Vista County Pork Producers.
Leader Milestones were: April Hocking- 5 Years
Members in the Buena Vista County 4-H Clubs were recognized for honors in record-keeping,
graduating Clover Kids, 1-year, 5-year, and 8-year member awards, participation in livestock
judging team, state level event participation and state 4-H awards. The four community clubs
recognized were Albert City’s Fairfield Pioneers, Alta’s Maple Valley Agriculturists, Newell’s
Newell Boosting Achievers and Storm Lake’s Providence Go-Getters. Special interest 4-H clubs
receiving member recognition were BV Equine Team (horse and pony project area Clover Kids
(K-3rd grade STEM, and SLHS 4-H Club (leadership and civic engagement project areas).
Junior 4-H members (4th-6th graders) could apply for Project Awards by submitting their record
books and illustrating personal growth, community engagement and leadership in that project
The following Junior members received these Project Awards:
Calvin Bean (Fairfield Pioneers)- Food & Nutrition, Poultry, Sheep, Visual Arts, & Woodworking
Annabelle Christensen (Fairfield Pioneers)- Communication, Food & Nutrition, Home
Improvement, and Sewing
Madison Hammen (Fairfield Pioneers)- Beef, Food & Nutrition, and Horticulture
Will Landgraf (Newell Boosting Achievers)- Visual Arts and Woodworking
Levi Lindgren (Fairfield Pioneers)- Robotics and Woodworking
Sawyer Olsen (Newell Boosting Achievers)- Child Development, Citizenship, and Food &
Intermediate (7th and 8th graders) and Senior level (9th- 12th graders) 4-H members applied for
Project Awards by providing up to five pages of support materials detailing personal growth,
leadership, and community engagement in those project areas. The following Intermediate
members received the following Project Awards:
Kooper Bean (Fairfield Pioneers)- Entomology and Swine
Jack Olsen (Newell Boosting Achievers)- Child Development, Citizenship, and Food & Nutrition
The following Senior members received these Project Awards:
Leah Bean (Fairfield Pioneers)- Beef and State Project Award- Beef
Allison Ehlers (Fairfield Pioneers)- Needle Arts
Isabelle Landgraf (Newell Boosting Achievers)- Food & Nutrition and Woodworking
April Meyer (Newell Boosting Achievers)- Beef/Bottle Calf- 2nd Year, Clothing, Dairy Goats,
Home Improvement, Sewing, and Woodworking
Amelia Stark (Providence Go-Getters)- Pigeon and Rabbit
Buena Vista County 4-H Endowment Committee distributed $1200 in monetary awards to
junior, intermediate, and senior level 4-H’ers for outstanding accomplishments in leadership,
community engagement, personal growth and service to the 4-H program. Those receiving
special recognition follow:
Outstanding Junior Award: Annabelle Christensen (Fairfield Pioneers), Will Landgraf (Newell
Boosting Achievers), and Sawyer Olsen (Newell Boosting Achievers);
Junior Leadership & Citizenship Award: Annabelle Christensen (Fairfield Pioneers);
Intermediate Citizenship Award: Kooper Bean (Fairfield Pioneers);
Senior Citizenship Award: Leah Bean (Fairfield Pioneers);
Senior Leadership Award: Leah Bean (Fairfield Pioneers) and April Meyer (Newell Boosting
Craig Sump Memorial Award: Allison Ehlers (Fairfield Pioneers) and April Meyer (Newell
Boosting Achievers);
Rafa Worthan Memorial Award: Kooper Bean (Fairfield Pioneers);
I Dare You Award: Leah Bean (Fairfield Pioneers) and Elky Moran Hernandez (SLHS Club);
Kathy Fahr 4-H Community Spirit Award: Allison Ehlers (Fairfield Pioneers).
4-Hers complete project reports ranging from an application, resume, and narrative statement
to supportive financial records. 4-H is a youth development organization open to all youth
grades K-12. 4-H members gain life skills in leadership, effective communication and
community engagement. All of the 4-H Clubs in Buena Vista County are currently welcoming
new members.
For more information about 4-H programs, contact the Buena Vista County
Extension and Outreach Office at 712-732-5056.