Aurelia Sesquicentennial Celebration Planned This Coming Weekend

The City of Aurelia is celebrating its 150th anniversary with several events this coming weekend.

Diane Weathers highlights some of the sesquicentennial events that are happening Friday…

Also Friday evening, the Aurelia Jazz Big Band will perform at 7:30 at the Aurelia School. The “Finding Dixie” Band will perform at 7:30 at the Aurelia Golf Course.

Nancy Webb points out a few of the events scheduled on Saturday…

Also Saturday night, Tony Bohnenkamp will perform downtown starting at 8pm, and there will be fireworks at the Aurelia Golf Course starting at 9:30.

There will be a Sunday brunch at the Aurelia Community Center from 8am to noon, and community church in the city park starting at 10am.

More information can be found at the Aurelia Sesquicentennial website or Facebook page.


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